Why is drip bag coffee better than other types of coffee? This is something that almost everyone I know has been asking at some point. It's not uncommon to hear someone tell an interesting story about having tried drip bag coffee or to see posts on Facebook showing people making a cup with it in the office or at home.
Coffee Filtering
Firstly, drip bag coffee uses paper filter which is finer as compared to metal filters that most of the time does not capture everything that is poured into them. This includes tiny granules of coffee (known as micro-fines) and unwanted oil that do not get traps in a metal filter when using a French Press, resulting in a cup of cloudy-looking coffee.
Cleaner Look & Taste
Secondly, because oil can easily oxidize through metal, it will have a considerable impact on the flavor of your coffee. However, using drip bags paper filters, which can capture smaller amounts of oil and debris, it helps to create a cleaner and brighter looking cup of coffee.
Added Health Benefits
Thirdly, the oil that typically leaks through your metal filter is called cafestol, and it is responsible for raising your cholesterol levels. While coffee is good for the heart, prolonged use of metal filters might potentially cause health issues.
Cafestol is completely filtered and absorbed by drip bag filter paper, removing it from your daily dose(s) of caffeine.
Lastly, kofiie drip bags are packed in individual bags that fits perfectly into your pocket which makes it easy to carry around. And all you need is hot water and a cup to get premium fresh brewed coffee.
Learn more about kofiie drip bags here.